Sons of the Never Wrong

“One of the best folk bands of our time.” Midwest Record

“Folk Music Reinvented: Sons of the never wrong keep pushing the genre forward.”

Southwestern Observer
SONS offer a fresh perspective on a traditional form. The songs, all originals, are lovingly crafted with catchy hooks and clever verses. An exuberant, optimistic approach to music-making.
The Chicago Tribune

Latest Albums

Sons’ internationally heralded albums have become part of people’s lives all over this planet. Their music has been first songs at weddings, goodbyes at wakes, sounds of life in birthing rooms, Girl Scout anthems, balms for empty nests, dance partners, and fellow travelers. Invite Sons to tag along with you. Check out the new and old albums here.

Shop in your jammies for Sons’ products. From limited edition, artist made posters, to t-shirts and albums, you will find something “Sons-y” to keep or share. Deb, Bruce, and Sue are artists, authors, teachers, & instrument makers too… find more about their personal work and give yourself the gift of a handmade print, guitar, painting, or class from this multi-talented trio.



Latest From Our Blog

Stay up to date with Sons’ gigs, classes, tours, albums and random thoughts. Folky-fun from we three Sons.

Undertaker’s Songbook — a reflection by Michael J. Miles

The absolutely wonderful Michael J. Miles just took the time to reflect on our newest album (out today!!!), Undertaker's Songbook. We were so moved by his words that we wanted to share them here as a guest blog below. Aside from his beautiful writing gifts, Michael is...

Beat the Lock-down Blues with Sons’ Super Women!

Hey, want something else to do during the lock-down than binge-watching Yugoslavian crime shows, or playing canasta? (Yes, that really is what Sue is doing.) Then check out some online classes offered by the Sons super women Deb & Sue! Deborah, a brilliant...

News: new blog entry “30 dang years!”
Fall 2022
Sons is prepping for a few gigs to celebrate our 30th anniversary, we rehearse new and old songs, eat donuts and kale, and wonder where the time has gone. 30 years ago, Sue & Nancy Walker went to a round robin singer/songwriter night at the Beat Kitchen to hear 3 performers; Bucky Halker, Ralph Covert, and a dorky songwriter in sear-sucker shorts and a bow tie named Bruce Roper. That year we smooshed a trio together, dreamed something dreamy, Bruce named the band, we culled together a sound system from wires and duct tape and brought it to a newly opened Uncommon Ground where we played 3 hour sets three or four times a month, all while standing in front of the twirling cake display and the steaming cappuccino machine. 6 years and a bunch of gigs later, Nancy went on to her groovy solo career and we were blessed to meet artist/musician extrodinaire – Deb. She introduced us to her 2 little boys, a host of beautiful tunes and her lush harmony singing. Deb’s boys are grown men, Bruce is a grampa, Sue is gray, and 30 years later we celebrate all the wacky tours, new & old musical collaborations, dancers dancing, tapes, CD’s, albums, festivals, and a jillion stories that remind us how lucky we are to have found one another and all the folks we have gotten to make music for and with. We are grateful. We are still writing songs about love, mermaids, birds, kites, girls, babies, donuts and kale. Life goes on in endless song, how can we keep from singing?


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